About My Spiritual Rebirth

Hello beautiful magical soul! My name is Diana Cristy. I am an empath, intuitive and Certified Rational Emotive Behavioral Technique (REBT) Mind Set coach. I incorporate quantum physics and RBET to provide coaching, facilitate healing, manifestation and remind others of their soul's purpose so they can be guided to follow their soul’s purpose (life path).
I also train adults and children to use their spiritual gifts, so they are not afraid of them. I have a calling to help others and have been healing since I was a child. My Grandmother is half Cherokee and trained me in the old ways of connecting with powers of nature and spirit guides to facilitate healing and transmute energy. Energy is everything and Everything is energy.
At 23 years old I was in accident and I was clinically dead for 80 seconds. I was not allowed to stay on the other side or what many people call heaven and I was sent back. However, what I brought back with was the energy of what I experienced. Many might call it divine or quantum physics. Quantum physics proves we are energetic beings. Energy is everything and every is energy. The energy that is within us will guide us to the happiness. This is what I strive to share with you.
Happiness cannot be achieved without the most important connection or relationship with yourself, some people call this your soul. In order for us to transform our life we must change our internal environment. We do this by moving energy and/ or transmuting or changing energy. This is done by three steps:
1. Understand that you are an energetic or divine vessel. Quantum physics proves this.
2. The change you want from your external environment start within your internal environment.
3. Accept, embrace and master the power you have within you.
What you seek is found within. Once you tap into your power, you will become the change you seek. When this happens you will feel the change in the form of happiness as that is your validation. This is what I want to share with you. I would love to work with and guide you through your transformation I do not want anyone to experience the negativity that I unknowingly put into the quantum field which was reflected back to me. Click on the link to book your session. I am excited to work with you.
We also offer the following services: Past Life healing and Manifestation, Soul Purpose, Divine Goddess Coaching, Spiritual Gift Coach, Business Coaching, Manifestation, Mindset (Belief System) Coaching and Heal Yourself through meditation.
If you have questions or would like to know more, I offer 30-minute Introduction and Assessment sessions. I am looking forward to speaking with you. I am sending you lots of positive energy and love your way.
Much love,
Bio-Well Specialist, Reiki Master and Mindfulness/Life Coach
Carolina Williams is from Bolivia and has lived in the US since 1997. She started her career as a Bilingual Educator and Learning Specialist. In the last 15 years, she has taught and coordinated programs in schools, international institutions, and private companies. Carolina has Master Degrees in Gifted and Talented and Bilingual Education from the University of Arkansas and Southern Methodist University. After surviving cancer at age 26 she started a healing journey that transformed her life and became a Reiki Master, Chopra Meditation and Ayurveda teacher, Mindfulness and Life Coach, and a Bio-Well certified practitioner. Her survival and healing journey inspired her to travel around the world to learn from healers. She has also learned Mindfulness from Tibetan Monks, and has met the Dalai Lama. All these amazing experiences have motivated her to help people recognize, regulate and release strong emotions and stress, teach how to heal mentally, emotionally and from trauma, and practice gratitude and recognize their own consciousness. I am so excited to be able to transform lives with the BIo-Well System , Energy Healing and Mindfulness. Namaste